After 23 years in the Army, I am finally coming out! I hate crowded, dirty places. Since our planet is about to top the 7 billion human mark any day (if it has not done so already), it seems there's not much I can do about the crowded part except learn to live with it.
What I CAN do is learn to live sustainably and reduce my impact on this world as much as I can. It's something we ALL can do with just a little effort. My goal with the blog is to share my quest with the World in the hope that I can be an example to others.
I am certainly not a purist. We are not going to do everything correctly, or in the most Earth-friendly manner. Let's face it. As a species, we humans are pretty selfish. If something is too hard to do, regardless of the benefits to ourselves and others, we're not going to do it. So, because of this we will be baby-stepping our way toward sustainable living in a way that is not too burdensome and may actually be fun.
I hope you will join us in our quest!
The Red Clay Farmers
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