Sunday, December 2, 2012

A New Worm Bin

I had some free time today and some scrap plywood left over from a previous project so I decided to expand my worms a little.

What I made was a very simple box, about 3'x1.5'x1.5'. To increase aeration in the wormery, I cut a piece of 1" PVC pipe about 4" longer than the box and drilled holes along its length. To hold it in place and prevent worm escape (or anything else climbing in), I placed some old window screen over the end of the PVC and added a 1" coupling on each side.

Once it was done, I added some pre-composted grass and kitchen scraps from our compost bin As I cleaned out the bottom bin of my Worm Factory 360, I moved the lazy worms who had not made the pilgrimage upward to the newer bins over to my new box. I topped it all off with a large layer of dead leaves for a little bit of insulation and protection.