Thursday, November 29, 2012


This is way too good to be something I built!
I have been wanting to plant strawberries for a while. I LOVE fresh strawberries - not including the very tasteless and sour ones you buy at the grocery store. While searching for a place to buy strawberry plugs, I saw this really cool planting tower here at this link. This seemed like a great way to plant 50 or so plants and save some space.

I thought to myself, "I can make that! It's only a strawberry tower... how hard can it be?" You'll see that "how hard can it be?" question asked often around the Red Clay Farm. Usually, I find out it's a little harder than I expected.

So I just bought a bunch of wood, garden soil and screws and I am ready to start creating.  I'll keep you informed on my progress (and how hard it really was).

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Chickens are Here!

The chickens we ordered back in October are finally here! I got a call from Monica at the Post Office at 6 am today - it sounded like she was in the hatchery. She told me I should come and get them as soon as I can. Wouldn't you know they would come on one of the coldest days, wettest days we've had all year!

When I got to the post office, all I could hear were chicks. I was amazed that my 10 chickens would make that much noise! Turns out, they didn't. My 10 chicks were barely peeping. It was the other 1500 going to another farm that were making all the noise.

I got my chicks home and into the plastic tub brooder I set up in the dining room (The wife is thrilled!) They were well packaged in a small cardboard box with a thick coconut coir liner with a heating pad underneath. Meyer Hatchery did a great job getting them to me alive and exactly on time! The rest is up to me, I guess...